Some do-it-yourself types think that they could spend the weekend look through the home and inspect the home for termites themselves. If you are planning to spend the weekend doing the termite inspection yourself, don’t waste your time.
You’ll want to hire the services of a professional pest control company in the Memphis area, West Tennessee or North Mississippi, to evaluate the home, building or property and provide a NPMA33 termite inspection report to show that a valid inspection was conducted.
The Purpose of a Professional Termite Inspection
The main objective of the inspection is to report any issues regarding visible signs of termite infestation as well as other wood destroy insects. The process is usually conducted two weeks before closing documents are signed. Professional inspectors who perform these visual evaluations and provide the NPMA33 report should have a license, state certified and have continuing education on termite control from from the states regulatory authority that oversees the pest control industry. For Tennessee, the regulatory body is Tennessee Department of Agriculture. For Mississippi, the regulatory agency is the Bureau of Plant Management.
When this inspection is carried out by a termite industry professional, termite damage and potential structural problems will be revealed. Window frames, walls, ceilings, and materials may be inspected and pictures taken for the new buyers to see the visibles signs of termite activity that was found. Cracks will also be investigated as these are the areas where termites enter a structure.
The Myths of Termite Inspections
Termite inspectors do not evaluate the value of your home. Termite inspectors report termite issues. That includes termite infestation and damage. If they find any visible evidence of old or new termite activity in the home, they may recommend termite treatment.
Why You Need a Termite Inspection
Nobody wants to invest huge amounts of money into a new home that’s falling apart. A termite inspection will show the buyer or mortgage company/bank if there’s any visible signs of termite damage. If the termite infestation is active, the home may require termite treatment before the closing takes place. Check with your realtor as this cost may be negotiated to be the seller’s expense to be paid prior to closing.
It’s important that any concerns about termite infestations are addressed before closing. If you are the buyer of the home, like most buyers, you do not want to invest in a home that is infested nad/or weaked by termite damage. This shouldn’t be taken lightly. With such a significant investment, buyers should ensure that termite treatment is professionally and properly treated.
As a seller, having your property inspected professionally is the ethical thing to do. While it might just seem like a financial transaction to some people, the financial welfare of the buyers can be effected by a termite infested home.
901 Pest Control is licensed, bonded and certified to inspect homes in Memphis, Germantown, Collierville, West Tennessee, Southaven, Hernando, Olive branch and all of North Mississippi. Just call 901-327-8803 for a free estimate and schedule a time to inspect.